Smart Purchase to Pay!
Smart Source to Contract!
Smart Supplier Relationship Management!
Smart Supply Chain!
Smart Strategy!
Smart Innovation!
Üzleti igények
digitális átalakulás
Fizetendő számlák automatizálása
Törzsadatok kezelése
A kereslet összekapcsolása
B2B értékesítés az ebidtopay piactéren
Miért az ebidtopay?
Könnyen használható, fantasztikus felhasználói felület - egyszerűen nagyszerű!
Az all Star megoldás!
ISO 9001 és ISO 27001 tanúsítvánnyal 2010 óta!
Minőségi, minden lehetőséget kínáló tárhely!
Gazdag API, szuper egyszerű integráció a könyveléssel, ERP-vel és PLM-mel!
A legjobb ár-érték arányú megoldás, amely megfelel az Ön költségvetésének!
Több mint 20 éve működő, 100%-ban családi tulajdonban lévő vállalkozás!
Ultra gyors megvalósítás!
Ipari ágazat USP-k és ügyfelek
Ingyenes teszt!
Könyv bemutató
Kérjen ajánlatot
Get Offer!
Thank you for your interest in receiving a comercial offer of our solution. Please, kindly fill the form below and we will provide you typically within 24 hours the offer:
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Company Address
Street, Nr
Postal code
Company VAT Nr
Company revenues in Mio. €
I am interested in:
no license
Evangelist – one named user
Team – up to 8 named users
Site – up to 25 named users
Enterprise – unlimited named users
no license
Evangelist – one named user
Team – up to 8 named users
Site – up to 25 named users
Enterprise – unlimited named users
no license
Evangelist – one named user
Team – up to 8 named users
Site – up to 25 named users
Enterprise – unlimited named users
Supply-Chain Management
no license
Evangelist – one named user
Team – up to 8 named users
Site – up to 25 named users
Enterprise – unlimited named users
no license
Evangelist – one named user
Team – up to 8 named users
Site – up to 25 named users
Enterprise – unlimited named users
no license
Evangelist – one named user
Team – up to 8 named users
Site – up to 25 named users
Enterprise – unlimited named users
Docusign Digital Signature
By filling out and sending this contact from, you as user grant the consent to S.C. eeebid SRL to collect, process and use the personal data exclusively - unless otherwise agreed - for communicating with you for the purpose of answering your questions, inviting you to events of our company, showing you our ebidtopay software and informing you about other services, of providing you an offer and making available a test version of the system for you. Your data is deleted once processing of your request and information needs has been fully concluded, provided that this deletion does not conflict with any statutory duties to retain records. Please note that, as the party concerned, you have the following rights with regard to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR): Information rights under Article 13 and Article 14 of the EU GDPR Right of access by the data subject under Article 15 EU GDPR Right to rectification under Article 16 EU GDPR Right to erasure under Article 17 EU GDPR Right to restriction of processing under Article 18 EU GDPR Right to data portability under Article 20 EU GDPR If you have questions about this, please contact our data protection supervisor by email at: In accordance with Article 21 EU GDPR, you can decide at any time to withdraw your consent to the collection, processing, storage and use of your personal data. Permission must be withdrawn by writing an email to If you have any questions or complaints, please contact our data protection officer at any time in writing (including by email): You can also contact the competent data protection authority.
I accept the terms above